She is a rare jem and very much appreciated.
Good, dedicated and passionate trainers are hard to come by. When one is discovered, we should value her and let others know of this person’s expertise who happens to be Jennifer Chung.
She is one who loves what she does, devoted in sharing her talent and teaching to the elderly and handicap and to all who want to exercise and improve their well-being.
She is also very qualified in this art and has been doing it for many years. In Mar 2014, I joined her class without a clue of what Tai Chi is, except moving at a snail’s pace. After a few sessions, I discovered that her approach is very gentle, graceful and I was allowed to move along in my own comfort zone. Corrections were done in a non-critical constructive manner.
She motivates me and I always look forward to attending her sessions with full enjoyment.
She has many qualities of an excellent teacher, good facilitator, a pleasant disposition and very knowledgeable about Tai Chi. Most importantly, she is gifted in knowing how to impart her expertise.
After 1 ½ years, I am able to do 5 sets of tai chi for health quite easily. My balance and co-ordination have improved. I am fit and in quite good health. I have more energy and am able to walk upright and steadily, unlike those of my age group. I am also more alert and have developed a good sense of confidence in myself.
Unknowingly, Jennifer has done such a wonderful change in my life. I am HAPPY!
She is a rare gem and very much appreciated.
Irene Chai