Macy Hooi Mei See

A story about a little who love art very much!

Hi everyone, today I’m going tell you a story. A story is about a little who love art very much! When she was little, whatever she sees she will automatically drew it out. After completed an artwork and look at it was just like “wow did I draw that by myself?”

Since then she start loving art , after 5 years or even 10 years her passion still the same like no other. As a quotes says “Passion - you do the thing that you dislike it’s called stress, you do the thing that you like it’s called passion.”

After realized I am gifted by god, the talented I am the creative I am. But sometimes your artwork won’t appreciated by the peoples around you and that moment is a lesson. Try to learn from it not avoided of it. Everything happen in your life weather good or bad that’s a lesson hidden it. Try to learn from it, enrolled it and you will realizing the final outcome and you will say to yourself “after what I struggle all this time and what I keep fighting alone in the end it’s worth it”.

I am a part-timer at an art studio about 6 years, I taught young kids or even high school students about arts. Everything is start from a beginning. So whatever I know whatever I think, I’m giving all my imagination, inspiration and my knowledge to the kids and let them explore themselves on their mind , I can’t be a super hero around the world , I can’t help all the peoples one by one but one day maybe I created an artist.

Thank you for having me with The Best of You 2017.

Macy Hooi Mei See

Saito College
Macy Hooi Mei See