It all began rather unexpectedly.
It all began rather unexpectedly. In 2012, out of boredom, I decided to try painting and like everyone else, I took a picture of a little dog that i'd painted and posted it online.
That picture got "likes" than I'd expected. To put it to the test, I painted several little animals and put them up for sale at a fund-raiser with a local animal shelter where I volunteer. They proved unexpectedly popular; all the paintings sold out and requests for more pieces came in. So I drew more, painted more, watched tv less, and got more and more requests from pet owners to create one-of-a-kind pieces of their beloved furkids. And I haven't stopped drawing or painting ever since.
I've been blessed to receive commissions from all over the world, and have been exhibited in Singapore, Australia and New York. It has also been a privilege to see my paintings in hospitals, conduct workshops for underprivileged children and do fund-raisers with volunteer groups and charities in Singapore, all because of art. While my style may have changed over the years, one thing has and will always be the same, and that is my pledge to use my art for blessing those around me.
Melissa Tang