I'm thankful for listening to the whisper of my body before I have to hear it scream.
I had been busy creating a living without awaken of life purpose. Thankful for my previous job in casino, I had seen people behave unconsciously, growing stronger to feed the Ego. I put my skill into work, but I had lost my heart and soul in the process.
My body started to whisper, I had very bad skin allergy in 2012-2014, I was sad being sick, like what skin specialist said it depends, some people might take couple of weeks to recover, or years or "forever" this word break my heart. I have to take medicine 3 times in daily basis, question is what cause the illness? I had NO answer from doctors (I found out the answer myself from nutrition studies and books I read lately) I even had very bad shoulder pain due to work. I decided that I'm done being sick and not having energy to do all the things I wanted to do, I need to look into it and heal. I got to peace myself and figure out what is the message here! It's about inside me, myself.
I prepared myself for a long ride, solo backpacking in New Zealand for about 3months. I started to get prepare mentally and financially one year before I travel, I was 31 at that time, so much fears for leaving my comfort zone for uncertainty.
Miracle happens, my allergy just gone somewhere along the journey without me aware! Looked at the price I'm paying physically, mentally, even financially. I'm thankful for listening to the whisper of my body before I have to hear it scream.
Along the journey, I ask my handsome Universe to guide me to my purpose of life.. I ask him to show me how to lead others the way to overcome their fears like I did.. End of the journey ,I stumble upon an opportunity, which now allows me to work on it and match my nature.
Led to a life-long passion for learning about what creates excellent health and wellbeing I'm now a global online entrepreneur partnering with a personal development and a Leading tech and wellness company, We all know the fact of being struggle and pain. My job is to dominate the problems and bring out what's really strong, offering opportunities to enables any human regardless of qualification or background to have time and financial freedom for healthy inner growth , healthy relationship, positive parenting, higher social moral purpose, increase health awareness, positive energy to enrich love and empower others, especially more freedom to go ahead offer others what they truly love to serve.
I'm developing the muscle, resilience and maturity that I need to pick myself up and dust myself off and keep moving forward despite the fears, I'm 33 now. A better me : )
Miley Niew