Penny was diagnosed with epilepsy.
Penny’s parents realized she was different from other children at an early stage of her childhood. After consulting with her pediatrician, Penny was diagnosed epilepsy. Her parents were told that this disorder would remain with her for the rest of life. Her condition also caused her to have mild learning difficulties and poor oral motor skills. Even though things looked bleak for Penny, her parents never gave up on her sending her for sign language classes so that she could overcome her disability.
Penny received homeschooling due to her learning difficulties. When she reached the age of 8, she started drawing. It started with some sketches and doodles but soon grew into full-blown drawings of sceneries from her imagination and characters that she feels strongly about. It was at that point of time when Penny’s parents became aware of Penny’s hidden talent.
As she explored the work of art and embarked on her own journey of art and drawing, she started to experiment with acrylic and beads which have now become a staple in her art. Her work now revolves largely on the theme of animals and flowers as she loves animals and flowers are her favorite subjects too.
To Penny, the best of her is her father. Her father has always been by her side, watching her as she took her baby steps to the artist she is now. They are the closest friends and Penny always refers to her father for advice and support in life. She has been able to pursue her passion and grow in life because of her biggest support and backbone in life – her father.
Penny Lim Pei Yi